Well security didn't me, the flight was manageable but LA really kicked me in the ass. As we speak, er, read, I am curled up in the fetal position nursing a bottle of Dayquil with my new silly straw. I have only visited LA twice before, both for very short stints, and have always left with a bad taste in my mouth and I have to say, this time was no different although a couple days in West Hollywood very nearly changed my mind.
Let me preface this with the reason I was in LA: to do a gifting suite. So I had to give away my product, and yes, give, as in, I don't get anything in return, to people who could buy me five times over. Alas, the backwards ways of LA. Now let's get to the goods. I ate well, I accosted some generally cooperative celebrities, and I got some free stuff too. Despite my own bitching and moaning about being in LA, I did venture out of the hotel when I was released from said gifting suite hell (which ran about 12 hours a day). I ate three meals out of the hotel, the most memorable being at Taste. In a city known for anorexia, I was pleasantly surprised to find some delectable food. But i'll go more into that later.
The real reason I'm up here, boasting about my jaunt across the country is that I got to meet celebrities. I'm not much of a start fucker but when you've got NPH and Jane Lynch at your fingertips...life is pretty good.