I know, I know, I've abandoned all of my many many (five) readers-and so sorry to diasppoint-but here I am, coming back with a bang. And to kick off my new New Year's resolution to write more about my thrilling life (because, I really really promise I will)? Chocobacon. Invented in a kitchen in Brookline with the help of my lovely and loving, I might add, partner in crime. Oh who am I kidding, we all know it was his idea. But it was me who did the frying and let me just say, this was one hell of a way to kick off 2011.
So here it is world, I introduce you to chocolate dipped bacon. It sounds pretty vile, I agree. But it wasn't. I promise. Rich, yes. Vile? No. Meaty, salty, chocolaty, creamy, and chewy. Bursts of rich fruity flavors from the dark chocolate coated my mouth as salty pork cut through the deep, dark taste sending waves of sweet and salty through my taste buds. And let me just follow this up with the fact that Chocobacon was the cherry on the sundae of a meal of cheese fondue (galavants of a glutton, indeed!). I'm salivating. Yes, we are indeed, fat kids extraordinaire.
So I may not be ringing in the New Year with fabulous travel plans (although there are always several of those on the horizon, organized or not) or a glamorous new job (who needs that when there's a big world out there?) but hey, at least I've got Chocobacon and an adoring audience to tell all about it. Watch out 2011.
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