Monday, January 17, 2011

I met NPH, bitches

Well security didn't me, the flight was manageable but LA really kicked me in the ass. As we speak, er, read, I am curled up in the fetal position nursing a bottle of Dayquil with my new silly straw. I have only visited LA twice before, both for very short stints, and have always left with a bad taste in my mouth and I have to say, this time was no different although a couple days in West Hollywood very nearly changed my mind.
Let me preface this with the reason I was in LA: to do a gifting suite. So I had to give away my product, and yes, give, as in, I don't get anything in return, to people who could buy me five times over. Alas, the backwards ways of LA. Now let's get to the goods. I ate well, I accosted some generally cooperative celebrities, and I got some free stuff too. Despite my own bitching and moaning about being in LA, I did venture out of the hotel when I was released from said gifting suite hell (which ran about 12 hours a day). I ate three meals out of the hotel, the most memorable being at Taste. In a city known for anorexia, I was pleasantly surprised to find some delectable food. But i'll go more into that later.
The real reason I'm up here, boasting about my jaunt across the country is that I got to meet celebrities. I'm not much of a start fucker but when you've got NPH and Jane Lynch at your is pretty good.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Dilettante's Guide to Airport Security

I am currently sitting on a large plan, being hurtled across the country to LA. I am still grumpy form having to wake up at 3am to catch my 7am flight but let me just say, I am even grumpier that I had to stand in line at security while an abundance of dithering idiots looked on as their liquids, lighters, keys, jewelry and anything else they could possibly think of set off all of the alarms and stopped the little conveyor belt thingy. Who's with me?

Listen to me people, I know some of you haven't traveled that much (and for that, I'm either sorry or eternally grateful) but come on, we all know what it takes to go through security. Don't be an idiot, don't be an ass, just learn how to do it so the rest of us grumpy passengers can get onto our plane and go back to sleep. And those of you with children? I'm sorry. But if you must have them, empty their teeny tiny pockets, remove their little shoes BEFORE you get to the front of the line. If they must be in a stroller, make it a small one, not the Hummer of all baby carts with 5,000 pieces that all need to be scanned. Is that necessary? Also, tape their mouths shut, hold onto them tight and shove them through the scanner. Come on, it's not that hard.

Here's the Dilettante's Guide to Airport Security:

1.) Please wear shoes that will come off easily. I lay in bed last night, contemplating my 3 am wakeup call and realized that I had planned to wear my Frye boots-oh no! what was I thinking?-so like the reasonable and seasoned traveler that I am, I wore some sporty little sneakers instead. Adorable and they came off with one swift jimmy of my heel.

2.) Drink all of your water. Better yet? Don't fricking bring water, buy some inside security, fill up you're eco friendly bottle in the airport sink. I don't care. Just do it after you go through security.
And you're shampoos and lotions and creams and all that other crap? Make it small and put it in a ziploc.

3.) Traveling with a computer? Take it out of its case, here it is again, BEFORE you get to the front of the line. Put it in one of those little plastic trays and that's it. Wasn't so hard, was it?

4.) Empty your pockets, make sure you left your machete at home and don't bring any fire into the airport.

Bottom line: be prepared to go through security BEFORE you get to the head of the line. Leave your children at home or train them. My children are coming out of the womb prepared to go through security.

I'm going to scowl at crying children and spill a drink on the guy behind me who keeps kicking my seat. See you in LalaLand.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I know, I know, I've abandoned all of my many many (five) readers-and so sorry to diasppoint-but here I am, coming back with a bang. And to kick off my new New Year's resolution to write more about my thrilling life (because, I really really promise I will)? Chocobacon. Invented in a kitchen in Brookline with the help of my lovely and loving, I might add, partner in crime. Oh who am I kidding, we all know it was his idea. But it was me who did the frying and let me just say, this was one hell of a way to kick off 2011.
So here it is world, I introduce you to chocolate dipped bacon. It sounds pretty vile, I agree. But it wasn't. I promise. Rich, yes. Vile? No. Meaty, salty, chocolaty, creamy, and chewy. Bursts of rich fruity flavors from the dark chocolate coated my mouth as salty pork cut through the deep, dark taste sending waves of sweet and salty through my taste buds. And let me just follow this up with the fact that Chocobacon was the cherry on the sundae of a meal of cheese fondue (galavants of a glutton, indeed!). I'm salivating. Yes, we are indeed, fat kids extraordinaire.
So I may not be ringing in the New Year with fabulous travel plans (although there are always several of those on the horizon, organized or not) or a glamorous new job (who needs that when there's a big world out there?) but hey, at least I've got Chocobacon and an adoring audience to tell all about it. Watch out 2011.